Permission To Come Aboard?

Ahoy there, Captain! Welcome to your little toy ship on the vast ocean of the internet!

She may be small, but she's a right and true vessel and she'll bear you anywhere you want to go safely.

Mark my words: She'll weather the storm.

There are many things you can do with this ship, including but not limited to:

Look around the ship and get to know her! I'll leave you to it, Captain!

Click Some Buttons, Scallywag!

These are some sites I think you'll like!

In The Mood For Some Music?

In the mood for a random tune?

Norman's Crew Manifesto

A good manifesto is at the heart of any crew with a purpose. It would be good for morale if everyone aboard followed this creed. Even you, Captain.

We, the members of Captain Norman's Crew, hereby declare our goals as such:

1. To overcome the obstacles that lay before us and render them dust beneath our feet.

2. To not only succeed in our educational endeavours but to DOMINATE, thus becoming the most spanish biochemist ever.

3. To do what makes us happy, when it pleases us, and in such ways that we enjoy.

We shall accomplish these goals by:

1. Not letting anyone tell us what we can and cannot do.

2. Eating when we are hungry, drinking when we are dry, and resting when we are weary.

3. Treating ourselves with the same compassion we show others.

4. Arson.

I love you, Captain. Never change for anyone. Keep your head up, and remember that your crew is always with you. <3

Happy Holidays 2023, Captain!

I hope you like your gift!

I'll pop in from time to time to do the site maintenance! It'll just be little things like making sure your links all work and stuff.

If you want me to add something, let me know <3

I can also teach you how if you'd rather but I definitely don't mind doing it!

Welcome aboard, Captain!

PS: I'm so glad we met. I'm so lucky to be your friend.

Arrr! -Maxwell