Metalocalypse is an Adult Swim show that originally aired from 2006-2013 with a movie finale in 2023. There are four seasons and two specials.
The premise of the show is simple, and by simple I mean the show it batshit insane.
Without giving anything away, Dethklok are a the most metal band to ever metal in the history of metal. They practically own the world. They are also incompetant people and the only thing standing between the world and the Metalocalypse. Together with their manager, Charles Offdensen, they are prophecized to save the world with the power of metal and brutality.
Although Dethklok is a fictional band there is a real band put together for sparse live shows and they have many albums! The Dethalbum, Dethalbum II, Dethalbum III, Dethalbum IV, The Doomstar Requim, a Klok Opera, Army of the Doomstar OST, Trail of Dead/Dethklok, and Brendon Small's Galaktikon II: Become the Storm
Picking a favourite Dethklok song is like picking a favourite child but I did it anyway because I'm METAL
The song about Mermaid Murder
Pickles is the drummer of Dethklok. Before Dethklok, he was frontman of the band "Snakes N' Barrels" which was a glam metal band.
He has a Wisconsin accent and is a SUPER alcoholic.
William Murderface is an ASSHOLE and I love him.
He's cruel unnecessarily. He's the bassist. He talks with a lisp. The fandom agrees that he's got a lot of internalized homophobia. He has a side project band called "Planet Piss." He's awful and I love him.
It's super hard to pick a favourite fanartist but I have to shout out strangegutz who makes these amazing clay dolls.
Holy shit they're cool. Check him out.