animation of three candles flickering. green statue of danu animation of one candle flickering.


Celtic mother goddess of water, earth, and according to some sources, fertility. Not much is known about Danu's original role in legend. Some believe her to be a representation of the Danube river. I often celebrate her on Imbolc and Ostara. I feel her most when I am near the river. Although the legends surrounding her are vague she has a very strong presence. She is sort of mother earth personified and she is just as beautiful and kind and volatile and harsh as the earth can be. I asked her for help one Spring when there was bad flooding in my area. I found her by looking up deities associates with rivers. The Spring I started working with her, my grandparents cottage was the only one on their road that wasn't damaged in the flood. I give her offerings every summer.

a forest in Ireland. a sphere made of quartz. a castle on a hill overlooking a river and lush countryside.

a photograph of a river from a stone bridge.a photograph of a small orange and teal boat in a river.a photograph of a pair of swans in a river.